
Helping to identify areas of benefit and recommending the technologies and processes that will enable transformation.


Providing the technical skills and knowhow to implement the digital transformation plan.


Supporting the transformation, measuring performance and striving for continuous improvement.

Transform sales and marketing

Progressive web apps

Transform user engagement

Social commerce

Seamless personalization

Integrated commerce experiences

Enterprise CMS

Multi-channel marketing

Voice and speech interaction

Transform user experiences

Transform business operations

Streamline operations

Robotic automation

Customer supplier portals

Transform MRP

Intranet and extranet


Integrated EPOS

Human resources

Transform ERP

Transform business CRM

Streamline operations

Robotic automation

Customer supplier portals

Transform MRP

Intranet and extranet


Integrated EPOS

Human resources

Transform ERP

Transform business operations

Mobile BI

Speech recognition

Predictive Analytics

Trends and insights

Data mining

Connected Clouds

Artificial intelligence

Data Governance

Cognitive services

Transform big data

Data encryption

Smart cybersecurity

Secure transactions


Hybrid clouds

Identity and access management

Data breach avoidance

GDPR Compliance

Data privacy

Transform business reach

Social engagement

Regional identity

Mobile and tablet

Global availability

Points of presence

Localised translations


Satellite services

Content delivery

Digital Transformation (DX) is the on going effort to rewire all business operations for the ever changing digital world, by adopting the latest technologies in order to improve business processes, strategies and the bottom-line.

Providing DX-As-A-Service means we can unify all the essential steps of your DX journey in to a single business process, which means faster results at lower cost.

Our seamlessly integrated DX service provides clients with on going business opportunities for Discovery, Definition, Design, Development and Delivery.

Providing differentiating business strategies with a digital lens.


Rm 33, 5/F, Beverley Commercial Centre, 87-105 Chatham Road South, Tsim Sha Tsui